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Revision Date
August 29, 2023

Responsible Personnel

Graduate Coordinator

Students seeking course substitutions are required to review options and process with their academic advisor.


The faculty instructor of the required course or the program DGS reviews and compares each course’s competencies and assignments for similarities.


If faculty instructor or DGS approves a course substitution, then the following must occur prior to enrollment in the proposed substituted course.  In some cases, the substitution request is submitted after the student has completed the substituted course. Procedures below must still be followed:

  • Complete course substitution form with rationale and appropriate signatures (student, advisor/graduate coordinator, DGS);
  • Attach syllabi (if available) from both courses to completed course substitution form;
  • Save completed form with attached syllabi in student’s electronic file maintained by SEAS.


The course substitution form is kept on record within CPH as a condition of CEPH accreditation; it is not submitted to the Graduate School.