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The Public Health Showcase 2023, sponsored by the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, is a unique opportunity for sharing innovative work in public health research, community practice, teaching, and workforce development.

This event will be held in person on Monday, April 10, 2023, at the University of Kentucky Gatton Student Center (Harris Ballroom), from 11:00 am to 3:30pm.

Public health touches everyone and everywhere!

Thus, this event is open to all undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Kentucky and beyond, faculty, staff, community members, public health practitioners, health insurers, healthcare organizations, community organizations, and state agencies and organizations invested in advancing population health.

Event Contact

Event Contact
Photo Contact Information
a profile photograph of Svetla Slavova
Svetla Slavova
Professor, Interim Associate Dean for Research

Public Health Showcase Evaluation Survey

Please take a moment to evaluate the event.

External Link

General Overview


  • 11:00 AM Registration and Poster Session Opens 
    • Participants can pick up their t-shirts and name tags during registration.
  • 11:30 AM Lunch Starts (Menu: Heartland Buffet)
  • 11:45 AM – 12:00 PM Welcome/Opening Remarks
  • 12:00 PM -1:00 PM Showcase Presentation of a Public Health project with Dr. April Young (Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health at the UK College of Public Health). Session will feature a roundtable discussion with community stakeholders engaged in guiding substance use research in Eastern Kentucky. The conversation will focus on elevating the voices of people who are often under-represented, with the goal of identifying ways that research can better heed the harm reduction mantra, “nothing about us without us.” 
  • 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM – Poster Session Viewing/Judging and Networking
  • 3:00 PM – 3:30 PM – Closing Remarks and Poster Award Ceremony

Guidance and Objectives

  • To allow everyone to show their work, all presentations will be in a poster format only.
  • Posters are welcomed to showcase public health research, practice, community engagement, innovative teaching, workforce development, and more!
  • Everyone can select the poster template and the structure that best describes their creative work. We welcome artistry and imagination!
  • The abstract submission allows for structured and unstructured abstracts. Choose the one that best describes the work that you want to share with your peers.
  • It is okay to share work that is in development; this is a great opportunity to get feedback and ideas from colleagues and mentors.
  • It is acceptable to present posters that have been recently presented elsewhere, including the CPH Research Day at the CCTS Spring Conference. There will be peers who have not seen this work.

For Students

  • You do not need to have a formal mentor to submit and abstract and present a poster.
  • Students can submit posters that are not research posters (some examples could be practicum/internships, a mission/study abroad experience, community engagement). We want to hear about it!

  • If you are not sure if your idea/work/experience is poster-worthy, please send us email to We will be happy to discuss and provide guidance.


  • Student research posters will compete in the following student categories: undergraduate, master’s, doctoral, post-doctoral. Three winners in each category will be recognized.
  • All student posters (not limited to research posters) will have a QR code and the attendees will be able to vote for the People's Choice Award. Three winners will be recognized.
  • The CPH academic department or research center with highest participation rate at the event will receive an award.
  • Most productive faculty mentor will also receive an award.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • An abstract acceptance notification will be sent by email no later than Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 11:59 PM EST. Presenting authors can make changes to the abstract (e.g., update the result section with new results) until 11:59 PM EST on Monday, March 13, 2023.
  • The CPH Office of Research will cover the printing costs for all posters with CPH authorship, if they are uploaded by Sunday, April 2nd, 11.59pm.

Poster Printing Instructions

The Public Health Showcase poster session will be held from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM on April 10, 2023 at the Gatton Student Center, Harris Ballroom.

  • CPH will cover the printing costs of your poster.
  • Please upload your poster to the poster printing request form available on the Office of Undergraduate Research website no later than Thursday, March 30, 2023.
  • Enter 000000 when asked for the College/Department cost center number.
  • Make sure your poster is formatted no bigger than the standard poster size of 36" x 48" (e.g., size 36” x 36" or 36” x 48").
  • If you want to include approved CPH logos, these can be downloaded from the following website:
  • You will receive poster setup information via email prior to the event.
  • If you have any questions or need further clarification on the poster submission process, please email 

Poster Setup Instructions

  • The posters can be set up/displayed in the Harris Ballroom beginning at 8:30AM on April 10, 2023.
  • There will be a printed list at the registration desk, including the presenter’s name, poster title, and assigned poster number/poster board where the poster should be displayed.
  • The poster session viewing, judging, and voting of posters for poster awards starts at 1 PM.
  • Posters can be taken down after 3.30 PM. If you cannot stay until the end of the showcase, the CPH Office of Research will take down your poster and transport it to the CPH Dean’s Office (1st floor, CPH Building, 111 Washington Ave), where you can pick it up during the rest of the week.


  • Visitor parking is available at the Cornerstone Garage (PS #5): Cornerstone Garage has an entrance and exit on South Limestone and on Upper Street.
  • The cost for parking is $2 per hour. We will provide pre-paid validation slips (vouchers) to our guests who are not UK students or employees.
  • Please, see the showcase support staff at the registration desk before leaving the event.

a map showing the two walking paths from Cornerstone Garage to the Bill Gatton Student Center

Examples & Templates

Abstract Examples