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Welcome to the College of Public Health’s Library page! UK Libraries’ mission is to ignite the human drive to discover, create, and connect by facilitating access to information, empowering learners, and collaborating with our communities to advance knowledge, enhance scholarship, and preserve the history and culture of the Commonwealth.

Here you’ll find our college's liaison to UK Libraries and links that take you to different services and forms including consult request, instruction request, literature searching, systematic review intake, the College of Public Health Research Guide and more. 

There is a myriad of library services and resources, and everyone (including students, faculty, and staff) are welcome to learn more.


What is a library consult?

A library consult is a 1-on-1 (or group) meeting with your librarian! It can be in-person or online, whichever you prefer. In these meetings I can help you refine your research question, discuss database searching methods, help you find sources for an assignment, or consult on reviews. Anyone can make an appointment with me, faculty & staff included!

Who can request a literature search?

Anyone can request a literature search! Students, including Masters and PHD, must meet with me to discuss their request (a consult), the goal here is to teach. Staff and faculty are welcome to submit the form any time and I will conduct the literature search for you. For anyone submitting the form, please do it at least a week before you need results.

If I invite you to my class, what can you teach my students?

A few examples of classes I’ve taught include: introduction to libraries and library services, basic searching, advanced searching, refining and generalizing a research question, how to use EndNote, and evidence-based public health. If you’re interested, please fill out the form or email me!

How can you help with Systematic Reviews?

We offer various levels of service for systematic reviews. Those are listed here: As an expert searcher and methodologist, I can advise on reviews or even participate in them. You can fill out the form or email me directly!

What is the College of Public Health Research Guide?

The CPH Research Guide is a hub for public health information. It contains links to relevant organizations, databases, journals, and eBooks. The guide is constantly changing and growing, if you have any thoughts on content you would like to see please let me know.

Any databases you would recommend to start public health research?

We have a page dedicated to a databases relevant to public health. Those are here: My recommendation is to start with PubMed or Web of Science Core Collection.

Does the library have any tutorials?

Yes we do! Every semester we host a workshop series dedicated to different aspects of research. We record every session and upload those here: We have tutorials on searching, systematic reviews, data management, and EndNote.


Literature Search Request

External Link

Instruction Request

External Link

Systematic Review

External Link