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At the University of Kentucky, you are welcome here!

We support the International Center on campus which houses their partnerships and research; education abroad and exchanges; student and scholar services; global health; health, safety and security; faculty and staff resources; admissions, and more for our international community.

The UK International Center (UKIC) leads internationalization efforts at the University of Kentucky. The work of the UKIC is supported by International Advisory Council, a group of globally-engaged faculty and administrators representing each of the University’s 16 colleges, plus other key academic units.

Latest International News & Events

Now Open: The CPH Shop!

Open now from October 30th - November 10th. Get ready! Don't miss your chance to grab CPH branded gear! 10% of the sales will go to the Student Public Health Association (SPHA).

UK Launches New Website for Health Education Building: A world-class health education facility Future home for the UK College of Medicine, Public Health, Health Sciences and Nursing

The College of Public Health will have a new home, projected in late 2026, in the Health Education Building (HEB) at the University of Kentucky.&nb

UK College of Public Health presents "Pump It Up" 2023 #CPHPumpItUp

You are cordially invited to the next “Pump It Up” celebration and semester kick-off event!