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Students will complete a minimum of 38 credit hours of coursework, including 15 credit hours of required program core, a minimum of 15 credit hours of electives in Epidemiology or Biostatistics, and a course in public health foundations.

Core Curriculum

The core curriculum includes foundational coursework in epidemiology and biostatistics theory, methodology, and application:

  • EPI 714 Epidemiologic Study Design (3 credits)
  • EPI 715 Research Methods in Epidemiology & Biostatistics (3 credits)
  • EPI 717 Casual Inference (3 credits)
  • BST 682 Generalized Linear Models (3 credits)
  • BST 762 Longitudinal Data Analysis (3 credits)

Students are required to successfully pass an examination that includes content from the core courses.

Electives in epidemiology and biostatistics should be selected to support doctoral research and to develop focused methodology and subject matter expertise. All electives must be approved by the DGS.

Upon successful completion of coursework and examinations, students are expected to form a doctoral advisory committee. Prior to initiating dissertation work and enrolling in residency (CPH 767, minimum requirement of 2 semesters), students will be required to pass an oral qualifying exam, scheduled by the Graduate School and administered by doctoral advisory committee. The qualifying exam will include written materials to support the oral exam, which is comprised of the dissertation proposal and preliminary doctoral research.

Director of Graduate Studies

a profile picture of doctor Erin Abner

Dr. Erin Abner

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PhD EPB Student Handbook

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See the PhD EPB in UK's Academic Exploration Tool.

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