The University of Kentucky's College of Public Health welcomes Dr. Brent Coull, Professor of Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to the EPI/BIO Lecture Series, on September 22nd at 12pm - 1pm and will speak on the topic of "Bayesian Multiple Index Models for Exposomic Research".
This series is open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Dr. Coull has over 25 years of experience in a wide range of biostatistical applications to environmental health and health disparities research. His primary methodological research interests focus on the development and application of integrative modeling of exposure and health data collected at multiple spatial and temporal scales, measurement error issues associated with the use of outputs from such models in risk assessments, and methods for analyzing the health effects of high-dimensional environmental mixtures in complex epidemiological study designs.
He is particularly interested in developing and applying rigorous statistical methods to advance children’s environmental health. Dr. Coull directs a NIH T32 training program in Environmental Statistics, is the Associate Director of the EPA-funded Air, Climate and Energy (ACE) Research Center at Harvard, and is Principal Investigator of the Environmental Statistics and Bioinformatics Core of the Harvard NIEHS Center for Environmental Health and the Data Management and Analysis Core (DMAC) of the Harvard Superfund Research Program.
Dr. Coull has served as an external advisor for multiple EPA and NIH research centers, and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Statistical Association and Biometrics.
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The University of Kentucky College of Public Health is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for re-accreditation. Part of this process includes the invitation to provide third-party comments. Anyone, including students, alumni, employers, community partners, etc., is allowed to share relevant information about the college directly with CEPH. If you would like to provide input to CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to by May 4th, 2025.