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The Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) and the University of Kentucky College of Public Health have collaborated to provide DEAL (Discover, Experience, Apply, and Learn) Day, an opportunity for students to explore different areas of the public health system.

Transportation to the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services in Frankfort, Kentucky, light breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided at no charge to students. This opportunity qualifies for Experiential Learning hours and a letter will be given to you to provide to your instructor regarding your attendance.

DEAL Day activities include:

  • Overview of essential public health services and interaction with KDPH leadership
  • Tour of facilities including the state laboratory, emergency preparedness and response warehouse 
  • Health equity and policy session
  • In person demonstrations and discussions regarding of food safety, mobile harm reduction unit, mobile pharmacy and more!

Additional items:

  • Transportation to Frankfort and from Lexington will be provided.
  • Priority registration is given to CPH 255 and CPH 472 students, but if any additional spots are open, then other students can register. 
  • Leaving Lexington 7:30am and leaving Frankfort at 4:30pm. Arriving back in Lexington at 5:15pm (all are approximate times).
  • FREE! (Breakfast, snack, lunch, and transportation provided)
  • In-person event

Event Contact

Event Contact
Photo Contact Information
a profile photograph of Janie Cambron
Janie Cambron
Director of Land Grant Engagement
Adjunct Faculty

Event Registration