Our Student Public Health Association (SPHA) group at their next Monthly Meeting hosts special guest, UK President, Dr. Eli Capilouto, on Wednesday, February 8th at 5:15 PM in the UK Athletics Association Auditorium at the William T. Young Library on campus.
You're invited for a conversation about public health and leadership during a pandemic. Network and learn, and feel free to bring your questions.
Valentine's Day treats will be provided!
For any questions, contact SPHA, Vice President, Reagan Persful at rpersful@uky.edu.
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for re-accreditation. Part of this process includes the invitation to provide third-party comments. Anyone, including students, alumni, employers, community partners, etc., is allowed to share relevant information about the college directly with CEPH. If you would like to provide input to CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to submissions@ceph.org by May 4th, 2025.