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The CPH Practice, Service, and Workforce Development team invites you to watch the first of our new “Career Spotlight” video series. This series will highlight various Kentucky public health practitioners sharing how their unique journeys led them to a career in public health.

In the interviews, we ask practitioners about their backgrounds, including education and inspiring and challenging experiences that shaped their careers. With this series, Janie Cambron, Associate Dean of Workforce Development, hopes to showcase the vast public health system and the careers students can embark upon.

"We want students to explore all the options available to them, and even the ones they don't know about. This video series helps to start the conversation and serves as a connection point for further exploration," said Janie Cambron.

Our first video spotlights Dr. Oshea Johnson, who is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer stationed at the Kentucky Department for Public Health. His unique background in sociology provided a firm foundation for his work in public health.

As a first-generation student, Dr. Johnson found strength and support from his family, mentors, and colleagues. Dr. Johnson continues to forge ahead in his career and pursue projects that support his passion for working in medical sociology, public health, social epidemiology; racial, gender, and socioeconomic health disparities.