Dr. Kristen McQuerry is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics and a member of the Biostatistics Consulting and Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration Lab (Biostat CIRCL).
Dr. McQuerry joined the Biostat CIRCL in 2023 where she collaborates with teams of researchers to achieve analysis objectives, create quality study designs for statistical analyses and provide statistical analysis planning. Her own research consists of statistical collaboration and methods of teaching statistical consulting.
At the University of Kentucky, Dr. McQuerry has taught courses in introductory statistics, statistical consulting, and SAS programming.
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The five-day immersive workshop — called BIOSTAT PRODIGY — will give students an introduction to statistical programming that’s both hands-on and approachable, said Kristen McQuerry, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Department of Biostatistics in the University of Kentucky College of Public Health.
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for re-accreditation. Part of this process includes the invitation to provide third-party comments. Anyone, including students, alumni, employers, community partners, etc., is allowed to share relevant information about the college directly with CEPH. If you would like to provide input to CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to submissions@ceph.org by May 4th, 2025.