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a profile photograph of David Fardo
Healthy Kentucky Research Building, Room 372 & Multi-Disciplinary Science Building, Room 401C

Dr. David Fardo is a professor, and the inaugural Stephen W. Wyatt Endowed Professor of Public Health. He serves as Affiliate Faculty in the Sanders-Brown Center on Aging and as co-Investigator in the National Institute on Aging (NIA)-funded UK Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC). 

Dr. Fardo is currently the principal investigator of two awards from the NIA, researching genetic risk factors contributing to various neuropathological endophenotypes and multiple neurodegenerative diseases. His currently funded collaborative work ranges from therapeutic targeting of the genes TREM2 and SHIP1 for AD to investigating novel pathogenetic mechanisms for hippocampal sclerosis and risk factors for conversion to mixed dementias. 

He has developed several courses across the spectrum of CPH degree programs and offers graduate courses in statistical genetics. He has served in various roles including as an Academic Leadership Academy Fellow and Chair of CPH Faculty Council and the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee at the University of Kentucky. 

Dr. Fardo's Curriculum Vitae

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  • PhD, AM, Biostatistics
    • Harvard University
  • MS, Statistics
    • University of Kentucky
  • BS, Mathematics and Statistics
    • Miami University

Research Interests

  • Statistical genetics and genomics
  • Neurodegenerative disease
  • Neuropathologies of aging
  • Biostatistics education

In the News

College of Public Health Professor Elected as Fellow of the American Statistical Association

David W. Fardo, PhD, the Stephen W. Wyatt Endowed Professor of Public Health at the University of Kentucky College of Public Health (CPH), has been named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA).

Decoding dementia: Sanders-Brown researchers uncover genetic keys

Work by several researchers within the University of Kentucky’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging was recently published in the prestigious journal Nature Genetics.

Decoding the Complex Genetics of Dementia Multi-college, collaborative effort explores the underpinnings of cognitive decline

When is Alzheimer’s disease not Alzheimer’s disease?