This project will establish the Rapid Actionable Data for Opioid Response in Kentucky (RADOR-KY), an integrated, population-based, statewide system that will ingest data from multiple state agencies and implement advanced informatics algorithms for fast data processing, data linkage, machine learning and predictive analytics to shorten the time between data capture and when analytical results are available to support opioid and other drug overdose prevention and control. RADOR-KY End-User Advisory Group, including partners in state government and local communities, will guide the development of the reporting and visualization functionality.
Department of Biostatistics Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center
Department of Internal Medicine Institute for Biomedical Informatics
The University of Kentucky College of Public Health is undergoing a review by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) for re-accreditation. Part of this process includes the invitation to provide third-party comments. Anyone, including students, alumni, employers, community partners, etc., is allowed to share relevant information about the college directly with CEPH. If you would like to provide input to CEPH to inform their review, send your comments to by May 4th, 2025.