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100% Completion Rate

May 2023

100% Post-Graduation Placement Rate

May 2023

100% Summer Internship Placement

May 2023

UK MHA Prepares You for the Real World.

We focus on core employability readiness skills in every course from finance to project management. Core Business Competencies include Communications, Critical/Strategic Thinking, Analytical Reasoning, Teams/Teamwork, Decision Support Analytics, and Professionalism/Ethics.

UK MHA Highlights

  • Administrative Internships (APP) All 4 Semesters

  • Professional Development Fridays

  • Industry and Faculty Experts Bring World Problems to the Classroom

  • Alumni Across the U.S. Support Students from Admission and Beyond

  • Experiential Learning Framework

  • ACHE, MGMA, HFMA, and HIMSS, NAHSE Partnerships

  • Curriculum & Competency Model Vetted by Industry Leaders

  • High-touch Program Support for Every Student - Faculty Advisors, Alumni Mentor, and Current Student Mentor

Mission / Vision / Aim Statement / Values

Development and Review of the Program Framework: A taskforce of MHA faculty, MHA alumni, Board of Advisor members, Alumni Council members, and program leadership review the current state and consider strategic direction for the program every two years. The review includes an analysis of program data to determine if we are meeting our stated metrics for each area and if any adjustments need to be made. Data inputs include an industry environmental assessment and forecasting of industry needs with our Board of Advisors and Alumni Council. We assess effectiveness using competency attainment target outcomes and internship and post-graduate placements in addition to other appropriate data.

Program Director

Dr. Julia Costich

Dr. Julia Costich Professor

Linked Department (or Location)
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How Do We Achieve Our Mission?

The mission of the University of Kentucky’s Master of Health Administration program is to cultivate a supportive learning environment that prepares students for early-career leadership positions through a competency-based curriculum model.

Where Are Students Placed?

  • Placement Targets: Any healthcare service organization across the country.

  • Leadership positions.

  • Healthcare administration fellowship or leadership position in a healthcare organization.

  • Typical organization types include acute care facilities, ambulatory services, physician practices, long-term care, bio-medical, and more.

  • Areas: Operations, strategy, performance improvement/quality, service line management, consulting, data analytics, human resources, department administration, practice management, program administrators, operations manager, and more.

Target Audience

  • Early healthcare careerists. Students entering the program often have non-administrative experience with limited leadership opportunities. Most students seek healthcare leadership positions after graduation.

  • Early and mid-careerists (those with minimal or no healthcare administration experience) seeking a highly engaged full-time program they complete in 20 months.

  • UK HealthCare employees can apply to the program as part-time students through the Employee Education Program they complete in an average of 32 months.

  • All geographic areas and majors are welcome to apply.

Geographic Mix

The MHA program recruits and welcomes students from all states in the U.S. We seek diversity in our cohorts. The University of Kentucky is a public land grant university dedicated to improving people’s lives through excellence in education, research and creative work, service, and health care. As Kentucky's flagship institution, the university plays a critical leadership role by promoting diversity, inclusion, economic development and human well-being ( 

Aim Statement, Vision and Values

MHA Aim Statement

The MHA Program aims to achieve our mission by integrating expert faculty-practitioner instruction, experiential learning, and service; engaging alumni and other stakeholders in continuous program improvement; and supporting student connections with the healthcare leadership practice community.

MHA Vision

The MHA program’s vision is to achieve national recognition by attracting, educating, and preparing highly qualified students with diverse backgrounds to become the next generation of effective healthcare industry leaders in Kentucky and beyond.

MHA Values

(The University of Kentucky values serve as the basis for the Program values)

  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Mutual respect and human dignity
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • A sense of community
  • Civic engagement
  • Social responsibility

Why an MHA at UK?

Cohort Model

  • The MHA program admits students in the fall only

  • Students progress through the program together, in a cohort

  • The cohort model allows students to engage with a diverse group of students and experience the program together, building relationships that last a lifetime

  • Smaller cohort sizes facilitate interactive and individualized instruction and advising

CAHME Accredited (Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education)

  • 2018 Accreditation - 7 years

  • CAHME Mentorship Circle

  • Access to scholarships and awards

  • Foundation in continuous quality improvement

  • CAHME Accredited Program provide student access to:

    • Modern Healthcare and MGMA (Medical Group Management Association)

Administrative Practicum Position Experience Allows Classroom to Meet Real-World

  • Full time students have the opportunity to work in healthcare for all four semesters of the program

  • Coaching from healthcare leaders

  • Students apply classroom content

  • See this page for details

Lexington is Home to Leading Healthcare Systems

These are some of the care providers in Lexington.

Faculty – Practitioner Partnership

Many of the courses in the program include instruction and input from industry experts. Leaders bring relevant experience and real-world examples to the courses, course concepts and gain valuable feedback.

Case Competition Program

  • Teams of four breakdown, analyze, and build deliverables for a healthcare case provided by the sponsor

  • The team crafts a presentation and then travels to the location to present to a panel of experts

  • MHA students receive professional development mentoring that includes presentation/platform skills, decision-making, case analysis, communication skills, data visualization, and much more prior to the competition

  • UK MHA attended the UAB and Ohio State Case Competitions last year

  • UK MHA team placed 3rd at Ohio State (first year student only competition)

Executive Seminar Series

  • Four times a year the program brings highly qualified and experienced leaders right to the UK MHA students

  • Main Event: Honored guests provide a one hour talk on current healthcare topics

  • Small Group Session – the MHA students gain exclusive access to the leader during a small group session where they can ask more in-depth questions

  • Learn more about the series here

Interprofessional Education (IPE)

Integrative Final Exam (IFE)

  • Leave the program knowing you can analyze real world problems, develop deliverables, present solutions, and interact with healthcare executives

  • At the end of the Program students apply their coursework and practical experience by analyzing a case and presenting conclusions and recommendations to a panel of industry leaders

  • The case, presentation, and question and answer provide an opportunity to assess student competency development and the skills a student has gained during the program

Diverse Faculty Expertise

  • MHA faculty represent a diverse breadth of experience, education, and research. Faculty members include respected experts on health systems governance and ethics, clinical management, health law, health economics, process improvement, human resources, organization development, electronic health records, and more

  • Faculty members have careers that include healthcare leadership positions, clinical expertise, and academic research and teaching

MHA Brochure

Open PDF

MHA Student Handbook

Open PDF


See the MHA on UK's Academic Exploration Tool.

External Link

Latest MHA News & Events

Dr. Anna Hoover Appointed Assistant Dean for Practice-Based Graduate Programs at CPH

Anna Hoover, PhD, MA, has been appointed as the Assistant Dean for Practice-Based Graduate Programs at the University of Kentucky College of Public Health.

MHA student Chad Nash gains hands-on experience as part of Kentucky’s first EmPATH unit launch

This past summer, Chad Nash, a Master of Health Administration (MHA) student at the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, embarked on an inspiring internship that allowed him to see the future of emergency psychiatric care in Kentucky.

MPH grads help create new community partnerships, gain valuable experience

Two recent Master of Public Health (MPH) graduates, Ines Roy and Abby Burton, paved the way for a new partnership last semester between the University of Kentucky College of Public Health (CPH), Primary Care Centers of Eastern Kentucky (PCCEK), and Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) KY.

CPH honors students’ outstanding accomplishments at awards reception

The University of Kentucky College of Public Health (CPH) honored its students' outstanding accomplishments at the End of the Year Celebration and

Executive Seminar Series: Peter Attwater

Join us as Peter shares his wealth of knowledge surrounding M&As and consulting for Academic Medical Centers.

Sponsored by University of Kentucky College of Public Health Public Health Showcase 2024 Save the Date!

A unique opportunity for sharing innovative work in public health research, community practice, teaching, and workforce development.

MHA Virtual Info Session

Interested in becoming a Graduate Student of the College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky?